Spearfishing & Foraging

Here at Freedive UK, we have a few options available to you to begin with Spearfishing and Foraging

Foraging and spearfishing Courses

Discover Underwater Foraging

Learn about edible shoreline plants, seaweeds . Where to find crabs and lobsters and how to get them.

Underwater foraging

A complete 2 day course covering freediving and sustainable marine foraging using polespears and your bare hands, with Ian Donald


We now only teach polespear spearfishing, so please check out our marine foraging course.

After 15 yrs of teaching spearfishing we now focus on marine foraging here at FreediveUK. So join us on one of our marine foraging courses or visit of friends at Delphy Pool for conventional spearfishing courses.

We are now operating as normal!